Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The CURSE OF THE DOUCHEBAGS (tuppence and birds)

Hello america, I'm Dr. Thadius Midnight, PHD.  
I study rich people like lab animals.
As you all well know, something horrible has happened to a large segment of the rich and powerful population.   Several of their world banking corporations have gone under, in what will likely be known as the most hilariously overblown going broke story ever told.  Rome falling wasn't as good as this is going to be.  There are those in the world who would want something catastrophic to come from this.  And it will, but for just a few rich and powerful people.  The problem is going to be...how will they handle it?  That is exactly what I intend to find out in this weeks episode entitled: Curse of the OLD WEALTHY (ALMOST DEAD) DUCHEBAGS.  

Entombed beneath mountains of uslessly inflated currency, the mummified corpses of once powerful and godly figures of international finance wait in the afterlife....they wait for their faithful followers.  Millions of loyal bank customers are eagerly poised to enter this ghostly ruin and resurrect them with the sacred golden elixer of life.  They must have the elixer to rise from the land of the dead.  In addition to their loyal followers are the armies of warriors who know that they are useless without their masters, and that in order to make war, they must have their gods of finance and they must be fed. OK enough of that....

International banking is world wide parasitic practice that masks the accumulation of wealth by a very small number of people at the expense of a great many.   Economic growth is only a byproduct of usery and only happens because people are willing to labor for what they have.  These people who lost their livlihood are not willing to work for what they have.  They are not your friend.  They expect you to toil your whole life and they wouldn't help you if you needed it.  They don't need it and we don't need to help them.  Tell them to start over.  Tell them to go ask someone else, like CHINA.   Tell them to get a job that pays below a living wage and tough it out for three generations before one of the family goes to college.  I can't believe the gaul of these people, and of those in government who are falling over themselves trying to keep the dying part of the beast alive.  LET IT DIE.  WE WILL SURVIVE.  

I take that back...I can believe the gaul of these people.  
Most of them are third and fourth generation wealthy, so they cannot even fathom what life is like for most people.   I emplore everyday people to speak up about this issue.  Times are hard for some of us. Others are doing pretty well.  We agreed to pay the government that money so that they would use it wisely on our behalf.  THEY MIGHT MAKE AN ENORMOUS MISTAKE.
SPEAK YOUR MIND.  Those rich old douchebags are and they might get what they're asking for...what do you think the debate is about...

it's not about whether or not to give it to them...it's how to convince us that it's necessary to prevent collapse.  

but that doesn't mean we wouldn't work to avoid it.  
working to avoid does not equal the single largest governement kickback in human history.  

Lets let those companies close up shop.
Lets whether the coming POTATO famine or whatever.
Lets keep our TUPPENCE and go feed the BIRDS. 
Tell those douchebags to go fly a kite.

Monday, September 29, 2008

The Urchin: subhumanstreetlifeform


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Urchin or urcheon is the old English term for hedgehog. As such, it is applied to many things that take a similar form to a hedgehog:

  • Sea urchins are spiny sea creatures that are round and prickly like hedgehogs.
  • In old theater, urchin was a common name for an elf or fairy that took on a prickly appearance.
  • The word "urcheon" is used to refer to the hedgehog in heraldry

It may also refer to:

Where Can I Get That Good Life?

THREE DECADES OF DECEPTION From people who have made a comfortable living claiming to be our leaders...

Main Body to be Posted OCT.2nd

Sunday, September 28, 2008

MISSLEYARD: The New Album!

South East Texas Based Metal Band, MISSLEYARD Releases their third album, BUYSuiCyanide on Friday this week.  We ran into them at HorrorThon is Austin after a midnight screening of "The Original"  Doomsday Deluxe.  They sat with us and smoked a joint and they agreed to tell THICK SKULL about their new album.  Being such big fans, Brian and Myself were pretty excited, but we managed to keep our heads.  The man himself, Voral Bindhi the Tibetan guru turned pagan rock god turned his one eye toward us and tells us.
"the new album is called BuySuiCyanide... 
I decided to interject, "What do you think the significance of..."
He interuppted me,  "BLIND Psychotic Death Metal From Beyond the Void... that's the subtitle.
There was long and uncomfortable pause in which Brian later tells me he was sure he would be eaten.  Perhaps it was the weed, combined with the bands sordid history of canibalizing groupies.  
WHen I brought this up, Vor just shook his head.  
"We don't eat people man."  He said earnestly.

The first song on the album is titled Buy me a Religion Daddy.
Whats that about?


So Are you guys excited about your upcoming european tour?


It was at this point that I realized I was talking to one of the roadies and that the rest of the band had gotten on their bus and left us out here.
I must have zoned out.  Brian was probably too stoned and didn't get any of it any way.
"Brian did you get any of that", I yelled.
He answered from somewhere behind me, Yea I got it.  
Look for this Video and More about MISSLEYARD's new Album: 
Blind Psychotic Black Death Metal From Beyond the Void

Is Stores and Online.  August  2021.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Theres no hope...there is no vision.

God is the lie that makes minds into slaves. The universe speaks to us all. Kills us all eventually.
Personifying it doesn't change the truth. Obsessing about death and paradise is a human tradition. There are so few possibilities. Each day you will live or you will die. You will be well or grow ill. You will learn or you will forget. You will wake or you will sleep. there is no in between.
There is no hope. There is no vision for tomorrow, only billions of people acting as they have been taught. Doing as they are told.

Who is fit to be your master?
Who would have you as their slave?

What liberties would you trade for comfort?
I have no liberty. I have no control. I have what little comfort is allowed to my class. I must join their clubs and go to their schools and subscribe to their ideologies and then I can be free.
I must sign papers that commit me. Bind me.

I must do the things that are required of me so that I am percieved as whole.

For those who would save the world...

The world is in no danger.
It is we who are destined for extinction.
The earth will survive. The planets will not lose their orbits around the sun because a few billion mammals die.

The gravitational cataclysms that are black holes will not stop. Matter will still be created and destroyed.

We will no longer be here to percieve the process.
There will be no witnesses.

All of known history is our history. We have been the only ones to keep a record. So far that is irrefutable. But if this is so why do we insist on placing a kind of spiritual responsibility outside ourselves. God is the perfect scapegoat for all of our failures, and the perfect explanation for why things are the way they are.

If the world seems wrong to you...do not blame god. Observe people's behavior and try to detect whether or not they attribute their success or failure to god.

It is human imagination that has put meaning to everything in the universe. The human mind is the only lense through which any of this can be explained or interpreted.
Science was born not of superstition, but of failure. Constant failure led to each success. A hypothesis must be concieved before it can be tested.

WHere do they come from? From god?
They come from inference and pattern recognition. They come from human intuition, the mechanism that allows us to process more information that we are conscious of...sometimes a brilliant thing happens. We explain something.

The belief in god has not allowed for any of the things that have improved human life.
A belief in god is a rejection of free will.
A belief in god is the way of the coward.
It is a good reason to kneel before another man and call him your master.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


The campus for the company was bigger than the school.  There were a lot of people walking around.  He was nervous at first but he adjusted.  The food is good.  TV is good. There are movies and lots of girls running around.  They are pretty and young and they giggle a lot.
They like the movies.  They like the TV. Johnny pretends to like these things so that the girls will like him.  

They'd like him any way.  He is tall and kind of handsome in his way.  He has dark hair and dark eyes.  He looks like he's from europe when he dresses for the winter.  A girl told him that when he was at school.

They taught him lots of things in school.
He learned a lot.

He learned how to be an artist and how advertising works.  The contract he signed had him doing ads for a big company.  the ads were pre designed, but they required a personal touch so that CUSTOMERS wouldn't reject them.  Most art and literature was generated within the oligarchal cabinet, the most prestigious contracts came from there as well.  He hoped they would give him a contract for a mural someday.  He'd seen a mural before, just once on the train to his new contract home at the company.  

It was a giant solemn face on the side of a building.  Underneath, in huge letters, was written: 

He thought he knew what it meant at first.  He had seen those words together at school.  His understanding of the people's english was superb.  His instructors had told him so.  He felt that his good education was a good reason to feel real guilt, which was necessary his instructors had always said.  It was necessary to make things work for everyone.  It made things better.   IF you felt real guilt then you were a good person.  Being a good person was the most important thing of all.

He'd like to be the one who made those pictures for everyone to see.